Patients who have a history of pregnancy loss or high-risk pregnancies may feel anxiety or stress when discussing or thinking about pregnancy. At Carnegie Imaging, we believe that our patients should be well-informed regarding their health concerns, so we have compiled a page of information for those with a history of pregnancy loss.
What is the Cause of Miscarriage?
Miscarriage is when an embryo or fetus dies before the 20th week of pregnancy. Many miscarriages happen because the fetus isn’t developing normally. Chromosomal problems are responsible for about half of early pregnancy losses. Most of these chromosomal issues occur by chance as the embryo grows. In some cases, a health condition may lead to miscarriage. However, the cause of miscarriage is often unknown.
What are The Odds of Another Miscarriage?
For most women, miscarriage only occurs one time. Many women who have an initial miscarriage can have healthy pregnancies in the future. However, 1% of women will have repeated miscarriages. Following one miscarriage, the predicted risk of another is about 20%, after two the risk if 28%, and after three or more, the risk is 43%.
When is the Best Time for Pregnancy After Miscarriage?
Sexual intercourse isn’t recommended for about two weeks after a miscarriage in order to prevent infection. Women can ovulate and become pregnant again as soon as two weeks after a miscarriage. Once you feel physically and emotionally ready for another pregnancy, it is advised that ask your healthcare provider for guidance. This is because if you have experienced two or more miscarriages, your doctor may recommend blood tests or chromosomal tests.
Can You Prevent a Miscarriage?
It is vital to understand that a person cannot necessarily prevent miscarriage, as many losses occur due to chromosomal abnormalities. However, following a healthy lifestyle can foster a healthy pregnancy. Following these healthy lifestyle tips may be helpful for anyone contemplating pregnancy:
- Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet.
- Take a daily multivitamin with folic acid.
- Avoid harmful substances such as nicotine, alcohol, and drugs. Also, stick to one 12-oz. cup of any caffeinated beverage daily.
- Be sure to attend your prenatal appointments and keep your doctor informed of any concerns you may have.
- Exercise moderately weekly or follow your doctor’s exercise recommendations.
Emotional Health Following Subsequent Pregnancies
Becoming pregnant after a miscarriage can be a joyful and exciting time. However, you may also experience feelings of anxiety and depression. If you find that you are experiencing negative or overwhelming emotions, do not hesitate to turn to your partner, family, friends, or a counselor for extra support.
For more information regarding miscarriages or high-risk pregnancies, you may schedule an appointment with an MFM specialist to discuss their best options for future pregnancies.