Purchase "The Unexpected!"
Emily Foster And Dr. Fox’s Book is now available.

From New York Times bestselling author of Expecting Better, a guide to navigating a second pregnancy when the first did not go as planned—with Dr. Nathan Fox, Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist.
Expert Results – Rapid Turnaround Times
As a committed medical team, Carnegie Imaging for Women brings to light the developments of the most important addition to your life. A trusted and award-winning staff maintain a strong focus and create an environment of detailed patient care. Carnegie Imaging is proud to provide superlative patient care from a group of doctors who
Our Nationally Recognized, Board Certified Medical Team.


State-of-the-Art Technology
All ultrasound scans are performed using state of the art 3D/4D ultrasound scanners. Patients can get digital keepsake images from their scans sent to smart phones to share with friends, family and social media.

Personalized Care
Carnegie physicians meet with patients and communicate with referring doctors to make sure each patient has the best solution. Fully certified Genetic Counselors are available onsite to assist patients when needed.

100% Fully-Certified
Carnegie’s facilities and providers have received the highest levels of professional certification possible from the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, the Fetal Medicine Foundation, and the Perinatal Quality Foundation