Understanding Gestational Diabetes: Essential Insights from Carnegie Hill Imaging For Women

Posted On: November 20, 2024 By CIW

For some expectant mothers, testing during pregnancy can include the unfortunate diagnosis of gestational diabetes. Often diagnosed in the second half of pregnancy, gestational diabetes is caused by hormonal changes that affect how the body processes carbohydrates. In a recent episode of the Healthful Woman podcast, registered dietitian and certified diabetes care specialist Casey Seiden joined Dr. Nathan Fox to discuss the causes and management of gestational diabetes.

What is Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Unlike type 1 or type 2 diabetes, it results from the placenta’s influence on the body’s insulin response, which raises blood sugar levels. Dr. Fox explains that, for most women, gestational diabetes is more of an inconvenience than a danger. It can be managed effectively with proper support, often with a few adjustments to diet and lifestyle.

Why Does Gestational Diabetes Occur?

Gestational diabetes occurs when hormones from the placenta reduce the body’s sensitivity to insulin, leading to elevated blood sugar. Dr. Fox and Casey clarify that, although the condition may sound intimidating, it’s manageable for most patients under professional care.

Casey’s Approach to Managing Gestational Diabetes

Casey begins by assessing each patient’s knowledge, addressing misconceptions, and providing personalized dietary guidance. She states, “There’s a lot of information online that may not all be true.” Casey aims to educate each patient so that they can best manage their condition. For example, she suggests that patients combine high-glycemic foods, like fruit, with proteins or fats to help balance blood sugar. Casey tailors nutritional advice to each patient’s lifestyle and dietary preferences, making the management plan practical and sustainable.

Finding What Works

Since every patient’s response to food varies, managing gestational diabetes involves some trial and error. Blood sugar monitoring is essential, and Casey recommends focusing on vegetables, high-quality proteins, and healthy fats while limiting processed carbohydrates. In some cases, insulin is also prescribed to help regulate blood sugar levels if diet and lifestyle changes alone cannot reduce blood sugars to safe levels.

Risks for the Baby and What to Expect

While gestational diabetes may raise concerns, the primary risks are usually manageable. Dr. Fox explains that the main complications of larger birth size and low blood sugar in the baby are relatively straightforward to address. However, because gestational diabetes may increase the risk of other health issues post-pregnancy, Dr. Fox recommends that patients keep their doctors informed for future monitoring.

Managing Gestational Diabetes

Managing gestational diabetes requires understanding, dietary adjustments, and support from healthcare providers. If you are experiencing symptoms related to gestational diabetes, it is crucial to reach out to a healthcare provider to manage your symptoms.

Learn More

To learn more about gestational diabetes, listen to the full episode of the Healthful Woman podcast. To schedule an OB/GYN appointment, contact Carnegie Hill Imaging for Women in New York today through the online contact form.


Carnegie Imaging for Women blogs are intended for educational purposes only and do not replace certified professional care. Medical conditions vary and change frequently. Please ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding your condition to receive a proper diagnosis or risk analysis. Thank you!

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