What Is The Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes During Pregnancy?

Posted On: September 25, 2015 By CIW

Type 1 Diabetes, formerly known as juvenile diabetes, occurs when people do not make any insulin. (Insulin is the hormone needed to control our blood sugars.)  People usually develop Type 1 diabetes early in life.  When they become pregnant, we call them pregestational diabetics, or people who had the diagnosis of diabetes before they got pregnant.  They are a higher-risk group than patients whose diabetes initially developed in pregnancy.  Patients whose diabetes developed while pregnant are classified as gestational diabetics.  Type 1 diabetics do not generally make insulin within their bodies, and require insulin injections to control their blood sugars.

Type 2 Diabetics are patients who actually make some insulin on their own, but not enough to adequately control their blood sugars.  Type 2 diabetes is most commonly found in people who are older, who are overweight or obese, and the condition is typically controlled with diet and oral medications. But sometimes, even Type 2 diabetics require supplemental insulin injections.

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